Launch your career with new skills
Learn core concepts from experts in live classes
Get a headstart and kickoff your career
Solve real-life case studies live with experts
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Live classes
Interview prep
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4k+ enrollments
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Designed by experts from
Understand the root cause of business problems by breaking down the details structurally before presenting solutions. Build and strengthen analytical and problem-solving skills to solve business problems effortlessly.
20 Live Classes
7 Projects
14 hr/week
5k+ enrollments
Limited Seats
26% Off
Designed by experts from
A 16-week in-classroom Data Analytics Program with live sessions, hands-on projects, and real-world case studies. Taught by Deepak Kharol, an IIT Delhi alumnus with 10+ years of experience at Mu Sigma, Swiggy, Cuemath, and PayU.
18 Live Classes
7 Projects
14 hr/week
1.2k+ enrollments
Limited Seats
12% off
Designed by experts from
Begin your journey in software development with our Career Track. Master a broad spectrum of essential skills, from programming fundamentals to building robust web applications, setting you up on the path to success as a Software Developer.
65 Live Classes
5 Projects
21 hr/week
10k+ enrollments
Limited Seats
20% Off
Designed by experts from
Understand the root cause of business problems by breaking down the details structurally before presenting solutions. Build and strengthen analytical and problem-solving skills to solve business problems effortlessly.
16 Live Classes
7 Projects
14 hr/week
3k+ enrollments
Limited Seats
20% Off
Designed by experts from
Grasp the math behind data science and learn advanced algorithms for Machine Learning.
20 Live Classes
7 Projects
21 hr/week